RWb67ds- Continental Army pewter USA button adopted about 1777 and used throughout the war in all theaters.
RWb68ds- British 27th Regiment of Foot (Enniskilling)other ranks pewter button
RWb69ds - General Washington Pater Patria Patriotic Button
RWb70ds - General Washington Pater Patria Patriotic Button
RWb71ds-American rattlesnake and liberty cap button imported from France.
RWb72ds- British 35th Regiment of Foot officer's silvered button.Flank Companies at Bunker Hill, fought at Long Island and White Plains,
RWb73ds- British 3rd Foot Guards officer's button.Fought at New York 1776, Guilford Court House and Yorktown.
RWb74ds- 33rd Regiment of Foot other ranks button. Fought at Camden and Guilford Court House
RWb75ds- 25th Continental Infantry pewter button of 1776.