RWb96d-Loyalist other ranks button of the Volunteers of Ireland
RWb97d-Button of the Loyalist 3rd American Regiment-New York Volunteers
RWb98d- NY officer's mold for embossing buttons
RWb99d-British soldier's button of the 43rd Regiment found on Bunker Hill in a grave in 1845
RWb100d- Revolutionary War Button: Rhode Island Regiment, circa 1781. Fought at Fort Mercer, Newport and Yorktown. Mostly African-Americans.
RWb101d-British Officer's button of the 23rd Regiment of Foot recovered from 1781 Virginia site.Fought at Bunker Hill, Guilford Court House and Yorktown.
RWb102d-Hessian buttons excavated from an outpost site in Westchester, County, N.Y.
RWb103d- 4th Pennsylvania Battalion button of 1776. Served at Fort Ticonderoga.
RWb104d- Loyalist, Butlers Rangers sergeant's silver faced repousse button. Fought at Oriskany, Cherry Valley and Mohawk Valley and along the New York Ohio frontier.