FW33ds - King George REX Westerwald ceramic jug circa 1750-70.
FW34ds- "Success to the British Arms" patriotic punchbowl circa 1750-80
RWr1ds - British Officer's toiletry set which belonged to an officer of the 71st Regiment of Foot and was captured by an American officer at the taking of Stony Point, N.Y. 1779.
RWr6ds - Neck stock clasp of Duncan Campbell of the British 43rd Regiment of Foot.
RWr7ds- Iron ice creepers worn to keep traction on icy surfaces.
RWr9ds Excavated "Success to the King of Prussia " straight razor
RWr10 - French Louis XVI copper coin excavated on an American campsite
RWr12ds- Doctor's traveling wooden medical chest with glass bottles.
RWr15ds-small iron warming stove.