The Military & Historical Image Bank
The Military & Historical Artifact Archive The Military & Historical Artifact Archive consists of over 8000 fresh stock photographs of rare original military and historical artifacts from the 1500-1945 periods with emphasis on the wars and history of the United States. We have also have items related to world history in general and many unique, never before published and unobtainable anywhere else. New items are added on a daily basis from major private and public collections. Don Troiani Military Artwork Archive The Don Troiani Military Artwork Archive consists of more than 500 images of historically accurate artwork from the brush of the nationally known military artist/historian. Subject matter includes the French and Indian War, American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, and American Civil War. There is a broad selection of highly detailed and historically accurate battle scenes and figure studies available for licensing. New work is being continually added. About Don Troiani, Painter of History CONTACT US: Military and Historical Image Bank PO Box 660 Southbury, CT 06488 Click here to Email Us
All stock photography is licensed for one time non-exclusive use only unless prior arrangements with us have been made. Permission to alter or crop Troiani art images must be pre-approved by us. All artwork and stock photography is copyright "Military & Historical Image Bank" ©2015 and Don Troiani ©2015 with all rights reserved. No images on this site may be used in any manner without prior written agreement. NO ARTIFACTS PICTURED ON THIS SITE ARE FOR SALE WE ARE ALWAYS INTERESTED IN BUYING ORIGINAL WAR RELICS ! Civil War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Uniforms, hats, helmets, badges, insignia, guns, swords, bayonets, knives , equipment, personal items, Civil War photographs, drums, bugles, cloth patches, belts, cartridge boxes, flags, cartridge boxes, belt buckles, canteens, and other items . World War 2 , Buying, German helmets, Japanese helmets, uniforms , soft caps, insignia, equipment, weapons Email us (above) or call us at 203-262-6680.